Friday, October 28, 2016

The Middle Grade Crusade

Imagine you're a writer and your brother mentions off-hand that he's looking for books his daughter might like to read.

You might take that on as your next crusade.

I tweeted this yesterday, and the fabulous Twitter writing community came through.

Within hours, I had a nice, long list of recommendations. And since there's nothing better than sharing books, I've listed them below for anyone who enjoys Middle Grade* or is looking for something for their kids to read.

You might want to check for them at your local library or any bookstore. I've linked to amazon for simplicity's sake, so you can read the teasers.

Happy reading!

All of the books by Anne Nesbet, for example The Cabinet of Earths or Cloud and Wallfish.

Amber Lough's The Fire Wish and The Blind Wish.

The first two Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter, beginning with Warriors #1: Into The Wild.

The Redwall series by Brian Jacques, beginning with Redwall.

Last in a Long Line of Rebels by Lisa Lewis Tyre.

The Ninja Librarians: The Accidental Keyhand and the sequel by Jen Swann Downey.

The Case of the Missing Moonstone and the sequel by Jordan Stratford.

Megan Jean Sovern's The Meaning of Maggie.

A Snicker Of Magic by Natalie Lloyd (what an amazing title!).

Lynda Mullaly Hunt's Fish in a Tree.

Kristin Levine's The Lions of Little Rock.

The Girl Who Drank The Moon by Kelly Barnhill (omg, another cool title!).

Angie Sage's Magyk and the rest of the series.

Sarah Prineas's The Magic Thief series.

The Ascendance Trilogy starting with The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen.

The Thief and the rest of that series by Meghan Whalen Turner was recommended twice!

Jaleigh Johnson's The Mark of the Dragonfly (*swoon* I think I'm a fabulous-title-junkie)

My Seventh Grade Life in Tights by Brooks Benjamin.

Susie Salom's Kyle Finds Her Way.

Rae Ann Parker's The Devil's Backbone.

Any book by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, for example, The War That Saved My Life or Jefferson's Sons.

Shannon Hale's novels, including The Princess Academy.

Several books by Jessica Day George, like Tuesdays At The Castle.

Gail Carson Levine's stories, for example Stolen Magic.

Patricia C. Wrede has written several books and series. Here's one: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles.

And by far, the most recommended author was Tamora Pierce.
·         -Some suggested The Circle of Magic books. The first is Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book.
·         -Some recommended the Song of the Lioness books beginning with Alanna: The First Adventure.
·         -Some said "everything Tamora Pierce ever wrote."

I will admit I haven't read some of these books, but my Twitter friends generally have amazing taste.

Have suggestions of your own? I'd love to see them in the comments!

*Middle Grade's target audience is approximately 8-12 years old (but I've really enjoyed some of these too!).